



Rambler's Top100 TopList


Общая теория мотиваций

horizontal rule

  1. Alderfer C. P. Existence, relatedness, and growth : human needs in organizational settings. - New York, N.Y.: Free Press, 1972.- 198.

  2. Dickson W. J., Roethlisberger F. J. Counseling in an organization : a sequel to the Hawthorne researches by William J.Dickson and F.J.Roethlisberger : Division of Research,Graduate School of Business Administration,Harvard University. - : Harvard Business School Press, 1966.- 480.

  3. Duncan W. J. Great ideas in management : lessons from the founders and foundations of managerial practice. - San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1989.- 286.

  4. Duncan W. J. Management : ideas and actions. - New York: Oxford Univ Press, 1999.- 269.

  5. George C. S. History of Management Thought. - Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, Co., 1972.- 223.

  6. Herzberg F., Mausner B., Snyderman B. B. Motivation to work. - New York: Wiley, 1959.- 157.

  7. Herzberg F., Mausner B., Snyderman B. B. The Motivation to Work (Ред. 1959). - : Transaction Pub, 1993.

  8. Likert R., Likert G. J. New ways of managing conflict. - New York: McGraw-Hill, 1976.- 375.

  9. Maslow A. H. Motivation and personality. - New York, N.Y.: Harper & Row, 1954.- 411.

  10. Maslow A. H. New knowledge in human values. - New York: Harper & Row, 1959.- 268.

  11. Maslow A. H. Toward a Psychology of Being /Ред. Lowry R. H. - : John Wiley & Sons, 1998.- 320.

  12. Maslow A. H., Frager R. H. Motivation and Personality. - : Addison-Wesley Pub Co, 1987.- 293.

  13. Maslow A. H., Stephens D. C., Heil G. C. Maslow on Management. - : John Wiley & Sons, 1998.- 312.

  14. Mayo E. Human problems of an individual civilization. - Boston: Division of Research, Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University, 1946.- 187.

  15. Mayo E. Social Problems of an Industrial Civilization (Work, Its Rewards and Discontents). - : Ayer Co Pub, 1977a.

  16. Mayo E. The Human Problems of an Industrial Civilization (Ред. 1933). - : Ayer Co Pub, 1977b.

  17. McGregor D. Human Side of Enterprise : 25th Anniversary Printing (Ред. 1960). - New York: McGraw-Hill, 1985.- 246.

  18. McGregor D. Leadership and motivation : essays /Ред. Bennis W. G. - Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 1966.- 286.

  19. McGregor D. Mechanisms of Carcinogenesis in Risk Identification /Ред. McMichael A. J. - : Oxford Univ Press, 1992.- 615.

  20. McGregor D. Professional manager. - New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967.- 202.

  21. Munsterberg H. On The Witness Stand. - New York: Doubleday, 1907.

  22. Munsterberg H. Psychology and Industrial Efficiency. - : Thoemmes Press, .- 333.

  23. Munsterberg H. Psychology and Industrial Efficiency. - Boston & New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1913.

  24. Roethlisberger F. J. Management and Morale. - Cambridge, Mass: Harvard Univ Pr, 1941.- 194.

  25. Roethlisberger F. J. Man-in-organization : essays of F. J. Roethlisberger. - Cambridge, Mass: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1968.- 322.

  26. Roethlisberger F. J., Dickson W. J., Wright H. A. Management and the worker : an account of a research program conducted by the Western Electric Company, Hawthorne Works, Chicago. - Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1939.- 615.

  27. Urick . The Golden Book of Management. American Management Association. // Journal of Occupational Behavior, 1985, , .

  28. Wren D. A. The Evolution 0f Management Thought. - New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1979.- 598.

  29. Валовой Д. В. История менеджмента: Учебное пособие /Ред. Валовой Д. В. - : ИНФРА-М, 1997.- 256. : URL

  30. Дункан У. Д. Основополагающие идеи в менеджменте. Уроки основоположников менеджмента и управленческой практики. - Москва: Дело, 1996.- 271.

  31. Кантер Р. Рубежи менеджмента. Книга о современной культуре управления. - Москва: Олимп-Бизнес, 1999.- 302.

  32. Мескон М., Альберт М., Хедоури Ф. Основы менеджмента. - Москва: Дело, 1994.- 701.

  33. Обзор . История менеджмента. /Ред. Поршнев А. Г. - Москва: ИНФРА-М, 1997.- 253.

  34. Семенова И. И. История менеджмента: Учеб. Пособие. - Москва: ЮНИТИ, 1999.- 222.

horizontal rule

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