



Rambler's Top100 TopList


Управление мотивациями

horizontal rule

  1. Ackoff R. L. Choice, communication, and conflict; a system's approach to the study of human behavior. - Philadelphia: Management Science Center, University of Pennsylvania, 1967b.- 1 v. (various pagings).

  2. Ackoff R. L., Emery F. E. On purposeful systems. - Chicago: Aldine-Atherton, 1972.- 228.

  3. Adams C. R. Inequity in Social Exchange. In 'Advances in Experimental Social Psychology', Ред. L. Berkowitz. - New York: Academic Press, 1965.- 267-300.

  4. Alderfer C. P. Existence, relatedness, and growth : human needs in organizational settings. - New York, N.Y.: Free Press, 1972.- 198.

  5. Arnold V. D. Motivation: Turning Theory into practice. // Industrial Management, 1998, 30, N 1, 21-22.

  6. Atkinson J. W. Motives in fantasy, action, and society : a method of assessment and study. - Princeton, N.J.: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1958.- 873.

  7. Atkinson J. W., Birch D. W. Dynamics of action. - New York: Wiley, 1970.- 380.

  8. Atkinson J. W., Birch D. W. Introduction to motivation. - New York, N.Y.: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1978.- 405.

  9. Atkinson J. W., Raynor J. O., Birch D. O., et al . O., et al.Motivation and achievement. - Washington: Winston, 1974.- 479.

  10. Bagley D., Reese E. Beyond Selling: How to Maximize Your Personal Influence. - Capitola, CA: Meta Publications, 1987.- 260.

  11. Bandler R., Grinder J. Reframing : neuro-linguistic programming [Trade mark symbol] and the transformation of meaning. - Moab, Utah: Real People Press, 1982.- 208.

  12. Bandler R., Grinder J. The structure of magic : a book about language and therapy. - Palo Alto, Calif.: Science and Behavior Books, 1975.- various pages.

  13. Blake R. R., Mouton J. S. The managerial grid : key orientations for achieving production through people. - Houston, Tex.: Gulf, 1964.- 340.

  14. Blanchard K. H., Bowles S. M. Creating raving fans : satisfied customers just aren't good enough. - Escondido, CA: Blanchard Training and Developmen, 1993.- 104.

  15. Blanchard K. H., Carlos J. P., Alan R. P. The 3 keys to empowerment : release the power within people for astonishing results. - San Fransico: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 1999.- 286.

  16. Blanchard K. H., Carlos J. P., Randolph A. P. Empowerment takes more than a minute. - San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 1996.- 126.

  17. Blanchard K. H., Zigarmi P. H., Zigarmi D. H. Leadership and the one minute manager : increasing effectiveness throug situational leadership. - New York: Morrow, 1985.- 111.

  18. Botoroff D. L. How ethics can improve bussiness success. // Quality Progress, 1997, 30, N 2, 57-60.

  19. Bradford D. L. Group dynamics. - Chicago: Science Research Associates, 1984.- 44.

  20. Brody N. Human Motivation: Commentary on Goal-Directed Action. - : Academic Press, 1983.- 231.

  21. Carrel M. R., Dittrich J. E. Equity Theory: The Recent Literature, Metodological, Concideration, and New Directions. // Academy of Management Review, 1978, 3, , 202-210.

  22. Cattell R. B. Description and measurement of personality. - (Johnson Reprint,1969): World, 1946.- 602.

  23. Cattell R. B. Personality and motivation structure and measurement. - : World Book, 1957.- 948.

  24. Cattell R. B. Scientific analysis of personality. - Chicago: Aldine, 1966.- 400.

  25. Cohen A. R., Bradford D. L. Influence without authority. - New York: John Wiley, 1990.- 319.

  26. Dickson W. J., Roethlisberger F. J. Counseling in an organization : a sequel to the Hawthorne researches by William J.Dickson and F.J.Roethlisberger : Division of Research,Graduate School of Business Administration,Harvard University. - : Harvard Business School Press, 1966.- 480.

  27. Dilts R. B. Let NLP Work for You. // Real Estate Today, 1982, 15, N 2, (Febrary), 25-30.

  28. Dilts R. B., Epstein T. B., Dilts R. W. Tools for Dreamers: Strategies of Creativity and the Structure of Innovation. - Capitola, CA: Meta Publications, 1991.- 396.

  29. Festinger L. Conflict, decision, and dissonance. - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1964.- 163.

  30. Festinger L. Theory of cognitive dissonance. - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1957.- 291.

  31. Ford R. N. Motivation through the work itself. - New York: American Management Association, 1969.- 267.

  32. Goodman P. S., Friedman A. S. An Examination of Adams's Theory of Inequty. // Administrative Science Quarterly, 1971, 16, , 271-288.

  33. Hackman J. R., Oldham G. R. Motivation through the Design of Work: Test of Theory. // Organizational Behavior and Human Perfomance, 1976, 16, , 250-279.

  34. Hersey P., Blanchard K. H. Management of organizational behavior : utilizing human resources. - Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, Co., 1982.- 345.

  35. Herzberg F., Mausner B., Snyderman B. B. Motivation to work. - New York: Wiley, 1959.- 157.

  36. Herzberg F., Mausner B., Snyderman B. B. The Motivation to Work (Ред. 1959). - : Transaction Pub, 1993.

  37. House R. J. Management development: design, evaluation, and implementation. - : Ann Arbor, Bureau of Industrial Relations, University of Michigan, 1967.- 138.

  38. Hull C. L. Principles of behavior, an introduction to behavior theory. - New York: D. Appleton-Century Company, incorporated, 1943.- 422.

  39. Jaques E. Equitable Payment. - London: Heinemann, 1961.- 350.

  40. Jaques E. Requisite Organization. - Falls Church: Cason Hall and Co, 1988.- 450.

  41. Kelley R., Caplan J. How Bell Labs Creates Star Performers. // Harvard Business Review, 1993, , (July-August), 128-139.

  42. Kohlberg L. Essays on moral development. - San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1984b.- 2 v..

  43. Kohlberg L. Moral Stages and Moralization: The Cognitive-Developmental Approach, in Moral Development and Behavior: Development and Ctizenship Behavior. // Business Ethics Quarterly, 1995, 5, N 1, (January), 43-54.

  44. Kohlberg L. The psychology of moral development : the nature and validity of moral stages. - San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1984a.- 729.

  45. Kuhn D. G., Slocum J. W., Chase R. D. Does Job Performance Affect Employee Satisfaction? // Personal Journal, 1971, , (June), 455-459.

  46. Lawler E. E. Pay and organization development. - Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1981.- 253.

  47. Lawler E. E. Pay and Organizational Effectiveness: A Psychological View. - New York: McGraw-Hill, 1971.- 318.

  48. Likert R., Likert G. J. New ways of managing conflict. - New York: McGraw-Hill, 1976.- 375.

  49. Maslow A. H. Motivation and personality. - New York, N.Y.: Harper & Row, 1954.- 411.

  50. Maslow A. H. New knowledge in human values. - New York: Harper & Row, 1959.- 268.

  51. Maslow A. H., Frager R. H. Motivation and Personality. - : Addison-Wesley Pub Co, 1987.- 293.

  52. Mayo E. Human problems of an individual civilization. - Boston: Division of Research, Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University, 1946.- 187.

  53. Mayo E. Social Problems of an Industrial Civilization (Work, Its Rewards and Discontents). - : Ayer Co Pub, 1977a.

  54. Mayo E. The Human Problems of an Industrial Civilization (Ред. 1933). - : Ayer Co Pub, 1977b.

  55. McClelland D. C. Assessing human motivation. - New York, N.Y.: General Learning Press, 1971b.- 20.

  56. McClelland D. C. Motivational trends in society. - New York, N.Y.: General Learning Press, 1971a.- 24.

  57. McClelland D. C., et al . C. Achievement motive (with a new preface with hindsight (1950-75) by John W. Atkinson). - New York, N.Y.: Irvington Publishers, 1976.- 386.

  58. McClelland D. C., Winter D. G., Winter S. K., et al . K., et al.Motivating economic achievement. - New York, N.Y.: Free Press, 1969.- 409.

  59. McCormic E. J., Sanders M. S. Human factors in engineering and design. - New York: McGraw-Hill, 1982.- 615.

  60. McGregor D. Leadership and motivation : essays /Ред. Bennis W. G. - Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 1966.- 286.

  61. McGregor D. Professional manager. - New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967.- 202.

  62. Mercer D. S. IBM : how the world's most successful corporation is managРед. - London: K. Page, 1987.- 306.

  63. Mitchell T. R. People in organizations : an introduction to organizational behavior. - New York: McGraw-Hill, 1982.- 590.

  64. Mitchell T. R., et al . R. Motivation and performance. - Chicago, Ill.: Science Research Associates, 1984.- 46.

  65. Moine D. Patterns of Persuasion. // Personal Selling Journal, 1981, 1, N 4, 3.

  66. Munsterberg H. On The Witness Stand. - New York: Doubleday, 1907.

  67. Munsterberg H. Psychology and Industrial Efficiency. - : Thoemmes Press, .- 333.

  68. Munsterberg H. Psychology and Industrial Efficiency. - Boston & New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1913.

  69. Newstrom J. W., Davis K. W. Organizational behavior : human behavior at work. - New York: McGraw-Hill, 1993.- 582.

  70. Ouchi W. G. Theory Z : how American business can meet the Japanese challenge. - Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1981.- 283.

  71. Ouchi W. G. Theory Z. - Reading, Mass: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1984.

  72. Peters T. J. Liberation management : necessary disorganization for the nanosecond nineties. - New York: Fawcett Columbine, 1994.- 834.

  73. Pfeffer J. Competitive advantage through people : unleashing the power of the work force. - Boston, Mass.: Harvard Business School Press, 1994.- 281.

  74. Pfeffer J. Power in organizations. - Marshfield, Mass.: Pitman Pub., 1981.- 391.

  75. Pfeffer J. The human equation : building profits by putting people first. - Boston, Mass.: Harvard Business School Press, 1998.- 345.

  76. Pfeffer J., Sutton R. I. The knowing-doing gap : how smart companies turn knowledge into action. - Boston, Mass.: Harvard Business School Press, 2000.- 314.

  77. Porter L. W., Lawler E. E. Managerial attitudes and performances. - Homewood, Ill.: Irwin, 1968.- 209.

  78. Roethlisberger F. J. Management and Morale. - Cambridge, Mass: Harvard Univ Pr, 1941.- 194.

  79. Roethlisberger F. J. Man-in-organization : essays of F. J. Roethlisberger. - Cambridge, Mass: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1968.- 322.

  80. Roethlisberger F. J., Dickson W. J., Wright H. A. Management and the worker : an account of a research program conducted by the Western Electric Company, Hawthorne Works, Chicago. - Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1939.- 615.

  81. Rosenbaum B. L. How to motivate today's workers : motivational models for managers and supervisors. - New York: McGraw-Hill, 1982.- 201.

  82. Rosenbaum B. L. Leading today's technical professional. // Training & Development, 1991, 45, N 10, (October), 43-47.

  83. Schuster J. R., Clark B. R., Rogers M. R. Testing Portions of the Porter-Lawler Model Regading the Motivation Pay. // Journal of Applied Psycholodgy, 1971, , (June), 187-195.

  84. Skinner B. F. About behaviorism. - New York: Knopf, 1974.- 256.

  85. Skinner B. F. Beyond freedom and dignity. - New York, N.Y.: Knopf, 1971.- 225.

  86. Sonnenfeld J. A. Career management : an introduction to self-assessment, career development, and career systems. - Chicago, Ill.: Science Research Associates, 1984a.- 52.

  87. Sonnenfeld J. A. Managing career systems : channeling the flow of executive careers. - Homewood, Ill.: Irwin, 1984b.- 942.

  88. Tannenbaum R., Margulies N., Massarik F., et al ., et al.Human systems development. - San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1985.- 605.

  89. Vroom V. H. Work and motivation. - New York: Wiley, 1964.- 331.

  90. Watson J. B. Behaviorism. - Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1958.- 308.

  91. Watson J. B. Psychology from the standpoint of a behaviorist. - Philadelphia, Pa.: J.B. Lippincott Co., 1929.- 458.

  92. Yetton P. W. Participation and leadership style: a descriptive model of a manager's choice of a decision process. - Pittsburgh, Pa., 1972.- various pagings.

  93. Акоф Р. С., Эмери Ф. И. О целеустремленных системах. - Москва: Сов. Радио, 1974.- 271.

  94. Демоз Л. Психоистория. - Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс, 2000.- 512.

  95. Дилтс Р. Моделирование с помомщью НЛП. - С.-Петербург: Питер, 2001.- 288.

  96. Дилтс Р. Фокусы языка. Изменение убеждений с помощью НЛП. - С.-Петербург: Питер, 2000.- 320.

  97. Мескон М., Альберт М., Хедоури Ф. Основы менеджмента. - Москва: Дело, 1994.- 701.

  98. Моргунов Е. Б. Модели и методы управления персоналом /Ред. Моргунов Е. Б. - Москва: Бизнес-школа "Интел-Синтез", 2001.- 464.

  99. Оучи У. Методы организации производства: японский и американский подходы. - Москва, 1984.

  100. Рубцов С. В. Парадигма контроллинга и управление психическими процессами персонала. // Современное управление, 2000f, N 10, 47-61. : URL

  101. Рубцов С. В. Применение организационного контроллинга к управлению персоналом. // Бизнес: организация, стратегии, системы, 2000c, N 10, (Октябрь), 50-53.

  102. Соколов Е. Н., Шмелев Л. А. Нейрокибернетический анализ механизмов поведения. - Москва: Академия наук СССР, Науч. сов. по комплексной проблеме "Кибернетика", 1985.- 207.

  103. Хаббард Л. Р. Дианетика. Современная наука душевного здоровья. - Москва: Нью Эра, 1996.- 530.

  104. Чалдини Р. Психология влияния. - С.-Петербург: Питер, 1999.- 270.

  105. Шалак В. И. Психолингвистические технологии в избирательной компании. Тезисы доклада на научно-практической конференции "Современные избирательные технологии", Москва, Международный бизнес-центр гостиницы "Редиссон-Славянская" 24-26 сентября 1999г.. - Москва, 1999.- 80-84.

  106. Шпреман К. Управление финансами и внутрифирменный рынок капитала. // Проблемы Tеории и Практики Управления, 1999, N 3, 22-26.

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