



Rambler's Top100 TopList


Авторский рубрикатор

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  1. Hendrickson C., Tung A. Project Management for Construction. - Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1989.- 537.

  2. Henton D. C., Chmura T. J., Renfro W. L. State Government Issues for Business. // Business Intelligence Program, 1984, , .

  3. Hersey P., Blanchard K. H. Management of organizational behavior : utilizing human resources. - Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, Co., 1982.- 345.

  4. Herzberg F., Mausner B., Snyderman B. B. Motivation to work. - New York: Wiley, 1959.- 157.

  5. Herzberg F., Mausner B., Snyderman B. B. The Motivation to Work (Ред. 1959). - : Transaction Pub, 1993.

  6. Heydinger R. B. The Development of Institutional Research and Planning: Is Futurism the Next Step? In Applying Methods and Techniques of Futures Research, edited by James L. Morrison, William L. Renfro, and Wayne I. Boucher. // New Directions for Institutional Research, 1983, 39, , .

  7. Heydinger R. B., Zentner R. D. Multiple Scenario Analysis as a Tool for Introducing Uncertainty into the Planning Process. In Applying Methods and Techniques of Futures Research, edited by James L. Morrison, William L. Renfro, and Wayne I. Boucher. // New Directions for Institutional Research, 1983, 39, , .

  8. Hilgard E. R., Bower G. H. Theories of learning. - New York: Ap-pleton-Century-Crofts, 1966.- 661.

  9. Hill D. Women Leaders Doing It Their Way. // New Woman, 1994, , (January), 78.

  10. Himes J. S. Conflict and conflict management. - Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1980.- 333.

  11. Hitch C. J., McKean R. N. The economics of defense in the nuclear age. - Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1960.- 422.

  12. Hitler A. Mein Kampf. - Munchen, 1939.- 770.

  13. Hitt M. A., et al . A. Dynamic strategic resources : development, diffusion and integration. - New York: Wiley, 1999.- 466.

  14. Hitt M. A., Ricart i Costa J. E., Nixon R. D. New managerial mindsets : organizational transformation and strategy implementation. - Chichester ; New York: Wiley, 1998.- 360.

  15. Ho Y. Discrete event dynamic systems : analyzing complexity and performance in the modern world. - New York: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1992.- 291.

  16. Hofer C. W. Research on Strategic Planning: A Survey of Past Studies and Suggestions for Future Efforts. // Journal of Business and Economics, 1976, 28, (Spring/Summer), 261-86.

  17. Hofer C. W., Schendel D. E. Strategy Formulation: Analytical Concepts. - St. Paul, Minn.: West Publishing Co, 1978.

  18. Hoffman L. R., Stein R. L. The Hierarchical Model of Problemsolving Groups. In "Small Group and Social Interaction. - London, 1983.- 173-192.

  19. Hofstede G. H. Cultures and organizations : software of the mind. - New York: McGraw-Hill, 1997.- 279.

  20. Hofstede G. H. The game of budget control. How to live with budgetary standards and yet be motivated by them. - Assen: Van Gorcum & Comp, 1967.- 364.

  21. Hofstede G. H. Uncommon sense about organizations : cases, studies, and field observations. - Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1994.- 299.

  22. Hollowood J. R. College and University Strategic Planning: A Methodological Approach. - Cambridge, Mass.: Arthur D. Little, 1979.- 34 pp.

  23. Holpp L. Applied Empowerment. // Training, 1994, , (Febrary), 39-44.

  24. Holpp L. New Roles for Leaders: An HRD Reporter's Inquiry. // Training and Development Journal, 1995, , (March), 46-50.

  25. Horner D. G. Strategic Planning for Higher Education. // In Management Focus, 1979, , .

  26. Horton T. R. The CEO paradox : the privilege and accountability of leadership. - New York: AMACOM, 1992.- 172.

  27. Horton T. R., Reid P. C. Beyond the trust gap : forging a new partnership between managers and their employers. - Homewood, Ill.: Business One Irwin, 991.- 249.

  28. Hosmer L. T. Strategic management. Text cases on business policy. - Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, Co., 1982.- 758.

  29. House R. J. Management development: design, evaluation, and implementation. - : Ann Arbor, Bureau of Industrial Relations, University of Michigan, 1967.- 138.

  30. Howard N. An Assessment of Assessment Centers. // Academy of Management Journal, 1974, 17, N 1, 115-134.

  31. Howard N. The Mathematics of Meta-Games. // General Systems, 1966b, 11, , 187-200.

  32. Howard N. The Theory of Meta-Games. // General Systems, 1966a, 11, , 167-186.

  33. Howard R. A. Dynamic programming and Markov processes. - Cambridge: Technology Press of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1960.- 136.

  34. Howard R. The CEO as Organizational Architect: An Interview with Xerox's Paul Allaire. // Harvard Business Review, 1992, , (September), 106.

  35. Howell J. P., Dorfman P. W. Leadership and Substitutes for Leadership among Professinal and Nonprofessional Workers. // Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 1986, 22, , 29-46.

  36. Huckfeldt V. A Forecast of Changes in Postsecondary Education. - Boulder, Colo.: Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education, 1972.- 215 pp.

  37. Huckfeldt V., Judd R. C. Methods for Large-Scale Delphi Studies. - Boulder, Colo.: National Center for Higher Education Management Systems, 1975.

  38. Hudspeth D. R. A Long Range Planning Tool for Education: The Focus Delphi. - Syracuse: Syracuse University Research Institute, 1970.

  39. Hughes C. L. Goal Setting. - New York: AMACOM, 1965.

  40. Hull C. L. Principles of behavior, an introduction to behavior theory. - New York: D. Appleton-Century Company, incorporated, 1943.- 422.

  41. Hull C. L., et al . L. Mathematico deductive theory of rote learning; a study in scientific methodology. - New Haven: Yale University press, 1940.- 329.

  42. Hutchins D. And Now, the Home-Brewed Forecast. // Fortune, 1986, , (January 20), 53-54.

  43. Hutchinson N. E. An Integrated Approach in Logistics Management. - Engle-Wood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, Co., 1987.

  44. Huysmans J. H. The implementation of operations research. - New Yor: Wiley-Interscience, 1970.- 234.

  45. Ilog Inc. ILOG Optimization Suite. White Paper. Delivering a competitive advantage. - Paris: ILOG Worldwide Information Center, 2001.- 62. : URL

  46. Ishikawa K. QC circle activities. - Tokyo: Union of Japanese Scientists & Engineers, 1958.- 120.

  47. ISO . ISO 9000:2000, Quality management systems - Fundamentals and vocabulary. - , 2000a.

  48. ISO/IEC . Оценка и аттестация зрелости процессов создания и сопровождения программных средств и информационных систем (ISO/IEC TR 15504-CMM). - Москва: Книга и Бизнес, 2001.- 348.

  49. Jagpal S. Marketing Strategy and Uncertainty. - : Oxford Univ Press, 1998.- 352.

  50. Jamison D., Warren J. M. Forces and Trends Affecting the Future: 1980-1990. // Paper read at the American Society for Training and Development National Conference, April 28, Anaheim, California., 1980, , .

  51. Janis I. L. Victims of Groupthinking. - Boston: Houghton, 1972.- 288.

  52. Janis I. L., Mann L. L. Decision Making: A Psychological Analysis of Conflict, Choice, and Commitment. - New York: Free Press, 1977.

  53. Jantsch E. Technological planning and social futures. - , 1986.

  54. Jantsch E., Jedamus P. Technological Forecasting in Perspective. - Paris: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 1967.

  55. Jaques E. Equitable Payment. - London: Heinemann, 1961.- 350.

  56. Jaques E. Requisite Organization. - Falls Church: Cason Hall and Co, 1988.- 450.

  57. Jay A. How to Run a Meeting. // Harvard Business Review, 1976, , (March-April), 120-134.

  58. Johansson H. J., et al . J. Business process reengineering : breakpoint strategies for market dominance. - Chichester [England] ; New York: Wiley, 1993.- 241.

  59. Johnson G. Strategic change and the management process /Ред. De Bono E. - New York: Blackwell Pub, 1989.- 319.

  60. Johnson P., Gill J. Management control and organizational behaviour. - London: P. Chapman Pub, 1993.- 188.

  61. Jones B., Wilker M., Stoner J. A Meeting Primer. // Management Review, 1995, , (January), 30-32.

  62. Jones G., Roberts M. Optimised production technology (OPT). - Bedford, UK: IFS Publications, 1990.- 105.

  63. Jones M. V. A Technology Assessment Methodology: Some Basic Propositions. - Washington, D.C.: The MITRE Corp., 1971.

  64. Jones M. V. Introduction to financial management /Ред. De Bono E. V. - Homewood, Boston: Irwin, 1992.- 704.

  65. Judea P. Heuristics : intelligent search strategies for computer problem solving. - Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley Pub. Co, 1984.- 382.

  66. Judel R. C. Delphi Applications for Decision Making. // Planning and Changing, 1972, 2(2), , 151-56.

  67. Judel R. C. Forecasting to Consensus Gathering: Delphi Grows Up to College Needs. // College and University Business, 1972, 53, (July), 35-38.

  68. Jung C. G. Psychological types. - New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1923.- 654.

  69. Jung C. G. Psychologische Abhandlungen. - Leipzig: F. Deuticke, 1914.- 211.

  70. Juran J. M. A history of managing for quality : the evolution, trends, and future directions of managing for quality /Ред. Juran J. M. - Milwaukee, Wis.: ASQC Quality Press, 1995.- 688.

  71. Juran J. M. Juran on planning for quality /Ред. Juran J. M. - New York: Free Press, 1988b.- 341.

  72. Juran J. M. Juran's quality control handbook /Ред. Frank M. G. - New York: McGraw-Hill, 1988a.- various pagings.

  73. Juran J. M. Management of inspection and quality control /Ред. Juran J. M. - New York: Harper & Brothers, 1945.- 233.

  74. Kahn H., Brown C., Martel L. The Next 200 Years. - New York: William Morrow, 1976.

  75. Kahneman D., Slovic P., Tversky A. Judgement Under Uncertainty. - Cambridge: Cambridge Univ Pr (Short), 1982.- 555.

  76. Kalman R. E. A New Approach to Linear Filtering and Preediction Problem. // Trans., ASME, Journal Basic Engeneering, 1960, 79, (March), 35-45.

  77. Kalman R. E., Busy R. C. New results in linear filtering and prediction theory. - : Trans. ASME, 1965.

  78. Kamien M. I., Schwartz N. L. Dynamic optimization : the calculus of variations and optimal control in economics and management. - New York: Elsevier Science Pub. Co, 1991.- 377.

  79. Kamoche K. N. Knowledge creation and learning in international HRM. // International Journal of Human Resource Management, 1997, N 8.2, 213-225.

  80. Kane J. A Primer for a New Cross-Impact Language--KSIM. // Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 1972, 4(2), , 129-42.

  81. Kanter J. Computer essays for management. - Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1987.- 109.

  82. Kanter J. Management Information Systems. - Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, Co., 1984.- 448.

  83. Kanter R. M. Commitment and community : communes and utopias in sociological perspective. - Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1972.- 303.

  84. Kanter R. M. Frontiers of Management. // Harvard Business Review, 1997, , 217.

  85. Kanter R. M. The change masters : innovations for productivity in the American corporation. - New York: Simon and Schuster, 1983.- 432.

  86. Kaplan R. E. Trade Routes The Manager's Network of Relationships. // Organizational Dinamics, 1984, , (Spring), 37-52.

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