



Rambler's Top100 TopList


Авторский рубрикатор

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  1. Bass B. M. Ledership: Good, Better, Best. // Organizational Dynamics, 1983, 13, (Winter), 26-40.

  2. Bass B. M. Organizational decision making. - Homewood, Ill.: R.D. Irwin, 1983.- 223.

  3. Bass B. M. Organizational psychology. - Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1965.- 459.

  4. Bass B. M., Barrett G. V. Man, work, and organizations : an introduction to industrial and organizational psychology. - Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1972.- 673.

  5. Bateson G. Mind and nature : a necessary unity. - New York: Dutton, 1979.- 238.

  6. Bateson G. Steps to an ecology of mind; collected essays in anthropology, psychiatry, evolution, and epistemology. - San Francisco: Chandler Pub. Co, 1972.- 545.

  7. Bavelas A., Barrett D. An Experimental Approach to Organization Communication. // Personnel Journal, 1951, 27, , 366-371.

  8. Baxter S., Lisburn D. Reengineering information technology : success through empowerment. - New York: Prentice Hall International, 1994.- 214.

  9. Bazerman M. Judgment in managerial decision making. - New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1998.- 200.

  10. Bazerman M., Neale M. A. Negotiating rationally. - New York: Free Press, 1992.- 196.

  11. Bazovsky I. Reliability Theory and Practice. - Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, Co., .

  12. BCGroup . Perspectives on strategy : from the Boston Consulting Group /Ред. Carl W. Stern and George Stalk, Jr. - New York: John Wiley, 1998.

  13. Beckhard R. Agent of change : my life, my practice. - San Francisco, Calif.: Jossey-Bass, 1997.- 202.

  14. Beckhard R. Organization development: strategies and models. - Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1969.- 119.

  15. Beckhard R., Harris R. T. Organizational transitions : managing complex change. - Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1987.- 119.

  16. Beer S. Brain of the firm; a development in management cybernetics. - New York: Herder and Herder, 1972.- 319.

  17. Beer S. Cybernetics and management. - London: English Universities P, 1967.- 240.

  18. Beer S. Decision and control; the meaning of operational research and management cybernetics. - London, New York: Wiley, 1966.- 556.

  19. Bell D. E., Keeney R. L., Raiffa H. L. Conflicting objectives in decisions. - London ; New York: Wiley, 1977.- 442.

  20. Bell D. E., Raiffa H. E., Tversky A. E. Decision making : descriptive, normative, and prescriptive interactions. - Cambridge ; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1988.- 623.

  21. Bellman R. E. Dynamic programming. - Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1957.- 342.

  22. Bellman R., Dreyfus S. E. Applied dynamic programming. - Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press, 1962.- 363.

  23. Bellman R., Zadeh L. A. Decision-making in fuzzy environment. // Management Science, 1970, N 4, 141-164.

  24. Below P. J., Morrisey G. L., Acomb B. L. The Executive Guide to Strategic Planning. - San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1990.

  25. Below P. J., Morrisey G. L., Acomb B. L. The executive guide to strategic planning /Ред. De Bono E. L. - San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1987.- 136.

  26. Bennis W. G. Organization development : its nature, origins, and prospects. - Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1969.- 87.

  27. Bensoussan A., Hurst G. E., NДslund B. E. Management applications of modern control theory. - Amsterdam: North-Holland Pub Co, 1974.- 346.

  28. Berle A. Power without property : a new development in American political economy. - New York, N.Y.: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1959.- 184.

  29. Berle A., Means G. C. The modern corporation and private property. - New York: MacMillan, 1933.- 396.

  30. Berlo D. K. Communication and the university. - Normal: Illinois State Normal University, 1963.- 42.

  31. Berlo D. K. The process of communication; an introduction to theory and practice. - New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston Inc., 1960.- 318.

  32. Berry A. J., Broadbent J. J., Otley D. J. Management control theory. - Aldershot, Hants, England ; Brookfield, VT: Ashgate, 1998.- 497.

  33. Berry A. J., Broadbent J. J., Otley D. J. Management control : theories, issues, and practices. - Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: MacMillan, 1995.- 362.

  34. Bertalanffy L. V. General system theory : foundations, development, applications. - New York, N.Y.: G. Braziller, 1968.- 289.

  35. Bertalanffy L. V. Perspectives on general system theory : scientific-philosophical studies /Ред. Taschdjian E. V. - New York: G. Braziller, 1975.- 183.

  36. Binmore K., Dasgupta P. Economic organizations as games. - Oxford, OX, UK, ; New York, NY, USA: B. Blackwell, 1986.- 219.

  37. Birnbaum W. S. If Your Strategy Is So Terrific, How Come It Doesn’t Work? - New York: American Management Association, 1990.

  38. Black J., Mendenhall M. Cross-Cultural Training Effectiveness: A Review and a Theoretical Framework for Future Research. // Academy of Management Review, 1990, 15, , 113-136.

  39. Blackman A. W. A Cross-Impact Model Applicable to Forecasts for Long Range Planning. // Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 1973, 5(3), , 233-242.

  40. Blake R. R., Mouton J. S. Building a dynamic corporation through grid organization development. - Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1969.- 120.

  41. Blake R. R., Mouton J. S. Consultation. - Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1976.- 484.

  42. Blake R. R., Mouton J. S. The managerial grid : key orientations for achieving production through people. - Houston, Tex.: Gulf, 1964.- 340.

  43. Blake R. R., Mouton J. S., Avis W. E. Corporate Darwinism : an evolutionary perspective on organizing work in the dynamic corporation. - Houston, Tex.: Gulf, 1966.- 139.

  44. Blanchard K. H., Bowles S. M. Creating raving fans : satisfied customers just aren't good enough. - Escondido, CA: Blanchard Training and Developmen, 1993.- 104.

  45. Blanchard K. H., Carlos J. P., Alan R. P. The 3 keys to empowerment : release the power within people for astonishing results. - San Fransico: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 1999.- 286.

  46. Blanchard K. H., Carlos J. P., Randolph A. P. Empowerment takes more than a minute. - San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 1996.- 126.

  47. Blanchard K. H., Zigarmi P. H., Zigarmi D. H. Leadership and the one minute manager : increasing effectiveness throug situational leadership. - New York: Morrow, 1985.- 111.

  48. Blank R., Slipp S. The White Male: An Endangered Species? // Management Review, 1994, , (September), 27-32.

  49. Blau P. M., Scott W. R. Formal Organizations. - San Francisco, CA: Chandler Publishing Co, 1962.

  50. Bolan R. S. Urban Planning and Politics. - , .

  51. Bomers G. B., Peterson R. B. Conflict management and industrial relations. - Boston: Kluwer-Nijhoff Pub, 1982.- 454.

  52. Booth P. Management control in a voluntary organization : accounting and accountants in organizational context. - New York: Garland Pub, 1995.- 280.

  53. Borisoff D., Victor D. A. Conflict management : a communication skills approach. - Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall International, 1989.- 201.

  54. Botoroff D. L. How ethics can improve bussiness success. // Quality Progress, 1997, 30, N 2, 57-60.

  55. Boucher W. I. Finding the Future: A Practical Guide for Perplexed Managers. // MBA Magazine, 1978, 12(7), , 48-57.

  56. Boucher W. I. Report on a Hypothetical Focused Planning Effort. // The Futures Group, 1972, , .

  57. Boucher W. I. Scenarios and Scenario-Writing. // ICS Group, 1984, , .

  58. Boucher W. I., Neufeld W. I. Projections for the U.S. Consumer Finance lndustry to the Year 2000. // Report R-7, 1981, , .

  59. Boucher W. I., Ralston A. I. Futures for the U.S. Property/Casualty Insurance Industry. // Report R-11, 1983, , .

  60. Boudreau J. W., Rynes S. I. Role of Recruitment in Staffing Utility Analysis. // Journal of Applied Psycholodgy, 1985, 70, , 354-366.

  61. Boulding K. E. Collected papers. - Boulder: Colorado Associated University Press, 1971.- v. 1-6.

  62. Boulding K. E. Conflict and defense : a general theory. - Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1988.- 349.

  63. Bourgeois L. J. Strategy and Environment: A Conceptual Integration. // Academy of Management Review, 1980, 5(1), , 25-39.

  64. Bowersox D. J., Calarbo R. J., Wagenheim G. J. Introduction to Transportation. - New York: MacMillan, 1991.

  65. Bowersox D. J., Closs D. J. Logistical Management. The Integrated Supply Chain Process. - New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1999.

  66. Bowersox D. J., Closs D. J., Helferich O. K. Logistical Management. - : MacMillan, 1991.

  67. Bowman J., Dede C., Kierstead F. The State of the Nation and the Agenda for Higher Education. - San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1982.

  68. Boynton A. C., Amud R. W. An Assessment of Critical Success Factors. // Sloan Management Review, 1994, , (Summer), 17-27.

  69. Bracker J. Educational Futures: A Reconstructionist Approach. // World Future Society Bulletin, 1977, 11, (November/December), 14-15.

  70. Bradford D. L. Group dynamics. - Chicago: Science Research Associates, 1984.- 44.

  71. Bradford D. L., Cohen A. R. Managing for excellence : the leadership guide to developing high performance in contemporary organizations. - New York: Wiley, 1997.- 313.

  72. Bradford D. L., Cohen A. R. Power up : transforming organizations through shared leadership. - New York: John Wiley, 1998.- 364.

  73. Bradshow T. I. Computerized Employee Search Programm. // Data Processing Magazine, 1965, , (November), 48-50.

  74. Brammer K., Siffling G. Kalman-Bucy filters. - Norwood, MA: Artech House, 1989.- 391.

  75. Braudel F. The Historical Development of the Strategic Management Concept. // Academy of Management Review, 1980, 5, N 2, 1-24.

  76. Braunerhjelm P. Knowledge capital and the "new economy" : firm size, performance, and network production. - Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000.- 116.

  77. Brehm J. W. A Theory of Psychological Reactance. - New York: Morristown, General Learning Press, 1970.- 287.

  78. Brehm J. W. Postdecision changes in the desirability of alternatives. // Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 1956, N 52, 384-389.

  79. Brehm J. W., Cohen A. R. Explorations in cognitive dissonance. - New York: Wiley, 1962.- 334.

  80. Bright J. R. The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II. Translated by Sian Reynolds. - New York: Harper & Row, 1972.

  81. Brock W. A., Malliaris A. G. Differential equations, stability, and chaos in dynamic economics. - New York: Elsevier Science Pub. Co, 1989.- 389.

  82. Brody N. Human Motivation: Commentary on Goal-Directed Action. - : Academic Press, 1983.- 231.

  83. Brody N., Ehrlichman H. Personality psychology : the science of individuality. - Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall International, 1998.- 446.

  84. Bronner K. Stress i arbetslivet. - Stockholm, 1966.- 148.

  85. Brooking A. Corporate memory : strategies for knowledge management. - London ; New York: International Thomson Business Press, 1999.- 181.

  86. Brookner E. Tracking and Kalman filtering made easy. - New York: Wiley, 1998.- 477. : URL

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