



Rambler's Top100 TopList


Авторский рубрикатор

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  1. Levitt T. Thinking about management. - New York: Free Press, 1991.- 154.

  2. Lewin K. Field Theory and Experiment in Social Psyhology: Concepts and Methods. // American Journal of Sociology, 1939, 44, , 868-896.

  3. Lewin K. Field theory in social science : selected theoretical papers. - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1951.- 346.

  4. Lewin K. Group Decision and Social Change. // Reading of Social Psychology, 1947a, , 44-53.

  5. Lewin K. Group Decision and Social Psychology. - New York, 1947b.- 250.

  6. Lewin K. Principles of topological psychology. - New York, London: McGraw-Hill, 1936.- 231.

  7. Lewin K. Resolving social conflicts ; and, Field theory in social science. - Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 1997.- 422.

  8. Lewin K., Lippitt R. An Experimental Approach to the Study of Autocracy and Democracy: A Preliminary Note. // Sociometry, 1938, 1, , 292-300.

  9. Lewin K., Lippitt R., White R. K. Patterns of Agressive Behavior in Experimentally Created Social Climates. // Journal of Social Psychology, 1939, 10, , 271-301.

  10. Likert R. From Production and Employee-Centeredness to Systema 1-4. // Journal of Management, 1979, 5, , 147-156.

  11. Likert R. New Patterns of Management. - New York: McGraw-Hill, 1961.

  12. Likert R., Likert G. J. New ways of managing conflict. - New York: McGraw-Hill, 1976.- 375.

  13. Lindberg R. A. Long Range Planning. - New York: American Management Association, 1979.

  14. Linneman R. E., Klein H. E. The Use of Multiple Scenarios by U. S. Industrial Companies. // Long Range Planning, 1979, 12(1), , 83-90.

  15. Linstone H. A. Book Review. // Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 1983, 24(2), , 178-79.

  16. Linstone H. A. Four American Futures: Reflections on the Role of Planning. // Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 1972, 4(1), , 41-60.

  17. Linstone H. A., Simmonds W. H. Futures Research: New Directions. - Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1977.

  18. Linstone H. A., Turoff M. A. The Delphi Method: Techniques and Applications. - Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1975.

  19. Little J. D., et al . D. An Algorithm for the Traveling Salesman Problem. // Operations Research, 1963, 11, N 6, (November-December), 972-989.

  20. Loasby B. J. Choice, complexity, and ignorance : an enquiry into economic theory and the practice of decision-making. - , .

  21. Lobel S. A., Quinn R. E., Clair L. S., Warfield A. S., et al.Love without Sex: The Impact of Psychological Intimacy between Men and Women at Work. // Organizational Dinamics, 1994, , (Summer), 5-16.

  22. Locatis C. N., Gooler D. D. Evaluating Second-order Consequences: Technology Assessment and Education. // Review of Education Research, 1975, 45, (Spring), 327-53.

  23. Loden M. Feminine leadership, or, How to succeed in business without being one of the boys. - New York: Times Books, 1985.- 306.

  24. Loden M. Implementing diversity. - Chicago: Irwin Professional, 1996.- 192.

  25. Loden M., Rosener J. B. Workforce America! : managing employee diversity as a vital resource. - Homewood, Ill.: Business One Irwin, 1991.- 250.

  26. Lonsdale R. C. Futures Research, Policy Research, and the Policy Sciences. // Education and Urban Society, 1975, 7(3), , 246-93.

  27. Lopez J. A. Study Says Women Face Glass Walls as Well as Ceilings. // Wall Street Journal, 1992, 3, (March), B1, B2.

  28. Lorange P. Corporate Planning. - Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, Co., 1990.

  29. Lorange P. Implementation of strategic planning. - Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall International, 1982.- 231.

  30. Lorange P., Morton M. F., Ghoshal S. F. Strategic control systems. - St. Paul: West Pub. Co, 1986.- 196.

  31. Lorange P., Murphy D. Conciderations in Implementing Strategic Control. // Journal of Business Strategy, 1984, 4, , 27-35.

  32. Lord R., Maher K. J. Leadership and information processing : linking perceptions and performance. - Boston: Unwin Hyman, 1991.- 340.

  33. Lorsch J. W., Allen S. A. Managing diversity and interdependence : an organizational study of multidivisional firms. - Boston: Harvard University, Graduate School of Business Administration, Division of Research, 1973.- 265.

  34. Loscalzo W. Cash flow forecasting. - New York: McGraw-Hill, 1982.- 183.

  35. Lussato B. A critical introduction to organisation theory / [by] Bruno Lussato ; translated from the French by Alison R. Julier. Introduction critique aux thйories d'organisation.. - London: MacMillan, 1976.- 170.

  36. Lynch J. A Strategic Model for University Planning. // Journal of the Operational Research Society, 1979, 30(6), , 603-9.

  37. Maciariello J. A. Management control systems. - Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1984.- 591.

  38. MacNow G. Michigan to Study State Colleges; Some Could Shift. // Chronicle of Higher Education, 1983, 26(12), (May 18), 1.

  39. Macqueen J. B. Optimal Policies for a Class of Search and Evaluation Problems. // Management Science, 1964, 10, N 4, (July), 746-759.

  40. Makridakis S. G. Forecasting, Planning, and Strategy for the 21st Century. - New York: Free Press, 1990.

  41. Makridakis S. G., Wheelwright S. C. Forecasting methods for management. - New York: Wiley, 1989.- 470.

  42. Manchester W. The Glory and the Dream: A Narrative History of America, 1932-1972. - Boston: Little, Brown, 1974.

  43. Mandel T. F. Futures Scenarios and Their Uses in Corporate Strategy. In The Strategic Management Handbook, edited by Kenneth K. Albert. - New York: McGraw-Hill, 1983.

  44. Manganelli R. L., Klein M. M. A Framework for Reengineering Tales from the Front. // Management Review, 1995, , (January), 13-18.

  45. Manley B. R., Threadgill J. A. LP Used for Valuation and Planning of New Zealand Plantation Forest. // Interfaces, 1991, 21, (November-December), 66-79.

  46. Manners G. Another Look at Group Size, Group Problem Solving and Member Consensus. // Academy of Management Journal, 1975, 18, , 715-724.

  47. Manning T. Radical Strategy. - Sandton, RSA: Zebra Press, 1997.

  48. March J. G. Bounded Rationality, Ambiguity, and the Engineering of Choice. // Bell Journal of Economics, 1978, 9, (Autumn), 587-608.

  49. March J. G. The Pursuit of Organizational Intelligence. - : Blackwell Pub, 1999.- 400.

  50. March J. G., Olsen J. G. Ambiguity and Choice in Organizations. - Bergen, 1976.- 323.

  51. March J. G., Simon H. A. Organizations. - New York: John Wiley, 1958.- 262.

  52. Marien M., Ziegler W. L. The Potential of Educational Futures (for the National Society for the Study of Education). - Worthington, Ohio: Charles A. Jones, 1972.

  53. Markowitz H. M. Mean Variance Analysis in Portfolio Choice and Capital Market. - Basil: Blackwell Pub, 1990b.

  54. Markowitz H. M. Mean-Variance Analysis in portfolio choice and capital markets /Ред. De Bono E. M. - Newcastle, G.B.: Athenaeum Press Ltd., 1990a.- 375.

  55. Markowitz H. M. Portfolio selection. // Journal of Finance, 1952, 7, N 1, (March), 77-91.

  56. Markowitz H. M. Portfolio Selection: Efficient Diversification of Investment. - New Yok: John Wiley and Sons, 1959.- 384.

  57. Martin J. H. Enterprise engineering : the key to corporate survival. - Lancashire, England: Savant Institute, 1994.- 5 v..

  58. Martin R. Skills Inventories. // Personnel Journal, 1967, , (January), 28-30.

  59. Martino J. An Introduction to Technological Forecasting. - New York: Gordon & Breach, 1972.

  60. Martino J. The Precision of Delphi Estimates. // Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 1970, 1(3), , 293-99.

  61. Masing W., et al . Handbuch der Qualitдtssicherung. - Mьnchen: C. Hanser, 1988.- 1009.

  62. Maslach M. Client role in staff burn-out. // Journal of Social Issues, 1978, N 34, 111-124.

  63. Maslow A. H. Motivation and personality. - New York, N.Y.: Harper & Row, 1954.- 411.

  64. Maslow A. H. New knowledge in human values. - New York: Harper & Row, 1959.- 268.

  65. Maslow A. H. Toward a Psychology of Being /Ред. Lowry R. H. - : John Wiley & Sons, 1998.- 320.

  66. Maslow A. H., Frager R. H. Motivation and Personality. - : Addison-Wesley Pub Co, 1987.- 293.

  67. Maslow A. H., Stephens D. C., Heil G. C. Maslow on Management. - : John Wiley & Sons, 1998.- 312.

  68. Mason J. M. Financial Management of Commercial banks /Ред. De Bono E. M. - Boston, 1979.- 806.

  69. Mastenbroek W. F. Conflict management and organization development. - Chichester ; New York: Wiley, 1987.- 166.

  70. Maturana H. К., Varela F. О. Autopoiesis and cognition : the realization of the living. - Dordrecht, Holland ; Boston: D. Reidel Pub. Co, 1980.- 141.

  71. Maturana H. К., Varela F. О. The Tree of Knowledge: The Biolodgical Roots of Human Understanding. - Boston, MA: Shambhala, 1987.- 320.

  72. Mavrinac S. C. Estimating the Dollar Value of IR. // Investor Relations Quarterly, 1997, 1, (Summer), 24-39.

  73. Mavrinac S. C., Siesfeld A. G. An Exploratory Investigation of Investors' Information Needs and Value Priorities. In 'Enterprise Value in the Knowledge Economy: Measuring Performance in the Age of Intangibles'. - New York: OECD/Ernst and Young Center for Business Innovation, 1998.- 49-72.

  74. Mayer R. J., Crump J. W., Fernandes R. W., Keen A. W., et al.Information Integration for Concurent Engineering (IICE). Compendium of Methods Report.. - Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio: Air Force Materiel Command, 1995.- 124. : URL

  75. Mayer R. J., Menzel C. P., Painter M. K., deWitte P. S., et al.Information Integration For Concurrent Engineering (IICE). IDEF3 Process Description Capture Method Report. - Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio: Air Force Materiel Command, 1995.- 235.

  76. Mayer R. J., Painter M. K., Lingineni M. K. Information Integration For Concurrent Engineering (IICE) Toward a Method for Business Constraint Discovery (IDEF9). Version 1.0. - : Knowledge Based Systems, Inc., 1995.- 78. : URL

  77. Mayo E. Human problems of an individual civilization. - Boston: Division of Research, Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University, 1946.- 187.

  78. Mayo E. Social Problems of an Industrial Civilization (Work, Its Rewards and Discontents). - : Ayer Co Pub, 1977a.

  79. Mayo E. The Human Problems of an Industrial Civilization (Ред. 1933). - : Ayer Co Pub, 1977b.

  80. McCall J. J. Maintenance Policies for Stochastically Failing Equipment: A Survey. // Management Science, 1965, 11, N 5, (March), 493-524.

  81. McCann J. Expert Systems in Marketing: An Editorial : Special Issue on Expert Systems in Marketing. // International Journal of Research in Marketing, 1991, N 8, 1-3.

  82. McCann J., Lahti W., Hill J. The Brand Manager's Assistant: A Knowledge-based System Approach to Brand Management. // International Journal of Research in Marketing, 1991, N 8, 51-73.

  83. McClelland D. C. Assessing human motivation. - New York, N.Y.: General Learning Press, 1971b.- 20.

  84. McClelland D. C. Motivational trends in society. - New York, N.Y.: General Learning Press, 1971a.- 24.

  85. McClelland D. C., et al . C. Achievement motive (with a new preface with hindsight (1950-75) by John W. Atkinson). - New York, N.Y.: Irvington Publishers, 1976.- 386.

  86. McClelland D. C., Winter D. G., Winter S. K., et al . K., et al.Motivating economic achievement. - New York, N.Y.: Free Press, 1969.- 409.

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