



Rambler's Top100 TopList


Управление человеческими ресурсами

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  1. Albanese R., Van Fleet D. D. Organizational behavior : a managerial viewpoint. - Chicago: Dryden Press, 1983.- 598.

  2. Alexsander F. Performance Appraisals. // Small Business Reports, 1989, , (March), 20-29.

  3. Black J., Mendenhall M. Cross-Cultural Training Effectiveness: A Review and a Theoretical Framework for Future Research. // Academy of Management Review, 1990, 15, , 113-136.

  4. Blank R., Slipp S. The White Male: An Endangered Species? // Management Review, 1994, , (September), 27-32.

  5. Boudreau J. W., Rynes S. I. Role of Recruitment in Staffing Utility Analysis. // Journal of Applied Psycholodgy, 1985, 70, , 354-366.

  6. Bradshow T. I. Computerized Employee Search Programm. // Data Processing Magazine, 1965, , (November), 48-50.

  7. Bronner K. Stress i arbetslivet. - Stockholm, 1966.- 148.

  8. Brown L. M., Gilligan C. M. Meeting at the crossroads : women's psychology and girls' development. - Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1992.- 258.

  9. Campbell J. P., Dannette M. D., Arvey R. D., Hellervik L. V., et al.The Development and Evaluation of Behaviorally Basing Rating Scales. // Journal of Applied Psycholodgy, 1973, 57, , 15-22.

  10. Cartwright D., Zander A. Group dynamics: research and theory. - Evanston, Ill.: Row, Peterson, 1960.- 826.

  11. Deckhard N. S., Lessey K. W. A Model for Understanding Management Manpower. // Personnel Journal, 1975, 54, N 3, 169-175.

  12. Doverspike D., Carlisi A. M., Barrett G. V., Alexsander R. A., et al.Generalizability Analysis of a Point-Method Evaluation Instrument. // Journal of Applied Psycholodgy, 1983, 68, , 476-483.

  13. Dunnette M. D. Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Behavior. - New York: John Wiley, 1976.- 900.

  14. England G. W. Development and Use of Weighted Application Blanks, Bulletin 55. - Minneapolis: Industrial Relations Center, Univercity of Minnesota, 1971.

  15. Eysenck H. J. Dimensions of personality : papers in honour of H.J. Eysenck /Ред. Lynn R. J. - Oxford ; New York: Pergamon press, 1981b.- 389.

  16. Farnham A. Who Beats Stress Best - And How. // Fortune, 1991, , (October 7), 71-86.

  17. Fisher C. D. Current and Recurrent Challenges in HRM. // Journal of Management, 1989, 15, , 157-180.

  18. Gilligan C. In a different voice : psychological theory and women's development. - Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1982.- 184.

  19. Haight G. Managing Diversity. // Across the Board, 1990, 27, N 3, 22-29.

  20. Hannon M., Freeman J. The population ecology of organizations. American Journal of Sociology. - New York: Free Press, 1977.

  21. Henderson R. I. Compensation management : rewarding performance. - Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall International, 1994.- 666.

  22. Henderson R. I. Compensation management in a knowledge-based world. - Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, Co., 1997.- 678.

  23. Henderson R. I., Suojanen W. W. The operating manager; an integrative approach. - Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall International, 1974.- 369.

  24. Hitler A. Mein Kampf. - Munchen, 1939.- 770.

  25. Howard N. An Assessment of Assessment Centers. // Academy of Management Journal, 1974, 17, N 1, 115-134.

  26. Kelley R., Caplan J. How Bell Labs Creates Star Performers. // Harvard Business Review, 1993, , (July-August), 128-139.

  27. Kesler G. C. A model and process for redesigning the HRM role, competencies, and work in a major multi-national corporation. // Human Resource Management, 1995, N 34, 229-252.

  28. Kessler C. C., Gibbs G. J. Getting the Most from Application Blanks and References. // Personnel Journal, 1975, , (Junuary-Febrary), 53-62.

  29. Keys B., Wolfe J. Management: Education and Development: Current Issues and Emerging Trends. // Journal of Management, 1988, 14, , 205-229.

  30. Kimmel M. S. What Do Men Want? // Harvard Business Review, 1993, , (November-December), 50-63.

  31. Kohs S. C., Irle K. W. Prophesying Army Promotion. // Journal of Applied Psycholodgy, 1920, 4, , 73-87.

  32. Kraut A. Management Assessment in International Organizations. // Industrial Relations, 1976, , 172-182.

  33. Kravetz D. J. The human resources revolution : implementing progressive management practices for bottom-line success. - San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1988.- 208.

  34. Kuhn D. G., Slocum J. W., Chase R. D. Does Job Performance Affect Employee Satisfaction? // Personal Journal, 1971, , (June), 455-459.

  35. Lewin K. Field Theory and Experiment in Social Psyhology: Concepts and Methods. // American Journal of Sociology, 1939, 44, , 868-896.

  36. Lewin K., Lippitt R. An Experimental Approach to the Study of Autocracy and Democracy: A Preliminary Note. // Sociometry, 1938, 1, , 292-300.

  37. Lobel S. A., Quinn R. E., Clair L. S., Warfield A. S., et al.Love without Sex: The Impact of Psychological Intimacy between Men and Women at Work. // Organizational Dinamics, 1994, , (Summer), 5-16.

  38. Loden M. Feminine leadership, or, How to succeed in business without being one of the boys. - New York: Times Books, 1985.- 306.

  39. Loden M. Implementing diversity. - Chicago: Irwin Professional, 1996.- 192.

  40. Loden M., Rosener J. B. Workforce America! : managing employee diversity as a vital resource. - Homewood, Ill.: Business One Irwin, 1991.- 250.

  41. Lopez J. A. Study Says Women Face Glass Walls as Well as Ceilings. // Wall Street Journal, 1992, 3, (March), B1, B2.

  42. Martin R. Skills Inventories. // Personnel Journal, 1967, , (January), 28-30.

  43. Mercer D. S. IBM : how the world's most successful corporation is managРед. - London: K. Page, 1987.- 306.

  44. Mills D. Q. Planning withh People in Mind. // Harvard Business Review, 1985, 63, (July-August), 97-105.

  45. Miner J. B., Miner M. G. Pesonnel and Industrial Relations: A Managerial Approach. - New York: MacMillan, 1985.- 683.

  46. Moravec M., Juliff R., Hesler K. Partnership Help a Company Manage Performance. // Personal Journal, 1996, , (Junuary), 104-108.

  47. Munter M. Cross-Cultural Communication for Managers. // Business Horizons, 1993, , (May-June), 69-78.

  48. Murray H. A., Barrett W. G., Homburger E. G., et al . G., et al.Explorations in personality; a clinical and experimental study of fifty men of college age, by the workers at the Harvard psychological clinic. - New York, London: Oxford University Press, 1938.- 761.

  49. Nelton S. Nurturning Diversity. // Nation's Business, 1995, , (June), 25-27.

  50. Newman W. H. Overcoming Obstacles to Effective Delegation. // Management Review, 1956, , (January), 36-41.

  51. Pedicord W. J. Advanced Status System for Personal Planning and Replacement, in Computers and Automation. - Newtonville, Mass: Berkeley Enterprises, 1966.- various pagings.

  52. Pelletier K. R. Healthy People in Unhealthy Places: Stress and Fitness at Work. - New York: Dell, 1984.- 225.

  53. Reilly R. F. Developing a Sales Forecasting System. // Management Planning, 1981, , (July-August), 24-30.

  54. Ripley D. E. How to Determine Future Workforce Needs. // Personnel Journal, 1995, , (January), 83-89.

  55. Rosenbaum B. L. Leading today's technical professional. // Training & Development, 1991, 45, N 10, (October), 43-47.

  56. Schmuckler E. The Personal Audit: Management's Forgotten Tool. // Personnel Journal, 1973, 52, N 11, 977-980.

  57. Selye H. Stress of Life. - New York: McGraw-Hill, 1956.- 324.

  58. Shuart L. H., Ruhlman M. E. Planning for retirement in the 21st century : a new approach. - Topeka, KS: Lone Tree Pub. Co, 1991.- 134.

  59. Steward R. The Nature of Management . A Problem for Management Education. // Journal of Management Studies, 1984, 21, , 323-330.

  60. Tannen D. You just don't understand : women and men in conversation. - New York: Morrow, 1990.- 330.

  61. Wexley K. N., Yukl G. A. Organizational behavior and personnel psychology. - Homewood, Ill.: R. D. Irwin, 1977.- 375.

  62. Бобрушева В. В. Разработка системы обеспечения регионального рынка трудовыми ресурсами на основе маркетинговых исследований. // Автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени канд. экон. наук, 1998, 08.00.05,08.00.07, , 16.

  63. Гребнев Л. Г. О новых стандартах в области преподавания экономики. // Вопросы экономики, 2000, N 7, 121-140.

  64. Киян С. П. Маркетинг рынка труда. Центр информ. и соц. экон. исслед. /Ред. De Bono E. П. - Воронеж: Воронеж. ун-т, 1995.- 94.

  65. Мескон М., Альберт М., Хедоури Ф. Основы менеджмента. - Москва: Дело, 1994.- 701.

  66. Моргунов Е. Б. Модели и методы управления персоналом /Ред. Моргунов Е. Б. - Москва: Бизнес-школа "Интел-Синтез", 2001.- 464.

  67. Москинова Г. Системный анализ в бизнес образовании. // Проблемы Tеории и Практики Управления, 1997, N 6, . : URL

  68. Ристо Н. Внимание и функции мозга /Ред. Соколов Е. Н. - Москва: Изд-во Московского университета, 1998.- 559.

  69. Рубцов С. В. Если мы так образованны, то почему так неэффективны? // Новые рынки, 2001d, N 2, 7-13. : URL

  70. Семеркова С. Н. Теория и методология маркетинга рабочей силы /Ред. De Bono E. Н. - С.-Петербург: С.-Петербург. ун-т экономики и финансов, 1998.- 149.

  71. Соколова М. Подготовка российских специалистов для иностранных фирм. // Проблемы Tеории и Практики Управления, 1997, N 6, 6-8.

  72. Томилов В. В., Семеркова С. Н. Маркетинг рабочей силы. Учеб. пособие /Ред. De Bono E. Н. - С.-Петербург: С.-Петербург. ун-т экономики и финансов, 1997.- 184.

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