



Rambler's Top100 TopList


Авторский рубрикатор

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  1. Rosove P. E. An Analysis of Possible Future Roles of Educators as Derived from a Contextual Map. - Santa Monica, Calif.: System Development Corporation, 1968.

  2. Ross S. A., Westerfield R. W., Jordan B. D. Fundamentals of Corporate finance /Ред. De Bono E. D. - Homewood, Boston: Irwin, 1991.- 758.

  3. Rosseau D. M., Cooke R. A. Technology and Structure: The Concrete, Abstract, and Activity Systems of Organizations. // Journal of Management, 1984, 10, , 345-361.

  4. Rossman M. H., Bunning R. L. Knowledge and Skills for the Adult Educator: A Delphi Study. // Adult Education, 1978, 28(3), , 139-55.

  5. Rubin L. e. The Future of Education: Perspectives on Tomorrow's Schooling. - Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1975.

  6. Rubtsov S. V. Marketing Management and Personal Factor. // Marketing and marketing research in Russia (Moscow), 2000, 25, N 1, 12-16.

  7. Rubtsov S. V., Ahmedov N. A. An Estimation of the Strategic Marketing Decisions in Bank. // Marketing (Moscow), 1996, N 1, 46-55.

  8. Rubtsov S. V., Bezsmertny S. P. Features and Opportunities of Bank Marketing in Russia. // Securities market (Moscow), 1995, N 22, 49-53.

  9. Rumelt R. P., Teece D. J., Schendel D. E. Fundamental Issues in Strategy. - : Harvard Business School Press, 1994.- 636.

  10. Saaty T. L. Decision making for leaders : the analytical hierarchy process for decisions in a complex world. - Belmont, Calif.: Lifetime Learning Publications, 1982.- 291.

  11. Saaty T. L. Decision making with dependence and feedback : the analytic network process : the organization and prioritization of complexity. - Pittsburgh, PA: RWS Publications, 1996.- 370.

  12. Saaty T. L. Elements of queueing theory, with applications. - New York: Dover Pubns, 1983.- 423.

  13. Saaty T. L. Fundamentals of decision making and prority theory with the analytic hierarchy process. - Pittsburgh, PA: RWS Publications, 1994.- 527.

  14. Saaty T. L. Mathematical methods of operations research. - New York: McGraw-Hill, 1959.- 421.

  15. Saaty T. L. Measuring the fuzziness of sets. // Journal of Cybernetics, 1974, 4, , 53-61.

  16. Saaty T. L. The analytic hierarchy process : planning, priority setting, resource allocation. - New York ; London: McGraw-Hill International Book Co, 1980.- 287.

  17. Saaty T. L. The brain : unraveling the mystery of how it works : the neural network process. - Pitsburgh: RWS Publications, 2000.- 481.

  18. Saaty T. L., Alexander J. M. Conflict resolution : the analytic hierarchy approach. - New York: Praeger, 1989.- 255.

  19. Saaty T. L., Kearns K. P. Analytical planning : the organization of systems. - Oxford ; New York: Pergamon press, 1985.- 208.

  20. Sackman H. Delphi Critique. - Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath, 1975.

  21. Salancik G. R. Assimilation of Aggregated Inputs into Delphi Forecasts: A Regression Analysis. // Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 1973, 5, N 3, 243-48.

  22. Salancik G. R., Staw B. R., Pondy L. R. Administrative turnover as a response to unmanaged organizational interdependence. Academy of Management Journal. - , 1980.- 422-437.

  23. Salancik G. R., Wenger W. R. The Construction of Delphi Event Statements. // Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 1971, 3, N 1, 65-73.

  24. Sanchez R. Quick-connect technologies for product creation : implications for competence-based competition. - Oxford: Pergamon press, 1996.- 299-322.

  25. Sanchez R., Heene A. Strategic learning and knowledge management. - Chichester: J. Wiley and Sons, 1998.- 235.

  26. Sargent T. J. Dynamic macroeconomic theory. - Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1987.- 369.

  27. Saunders C. B., Tuggel F. D. Corporate Goals. // Journal of General Management, 1980, 5, , 3-13.

  28. Sawyer G. C. Business Policy and Strategic Management : Planning, Strategy, and Action. - , .

  29. Sawyer G. C. Corporate Planning As a Creative Process : Action Laid Out in Advance (Education Series / Planning Executives Institute). - : Strategic Leadership Forum, 1983.

  30. Sayles L. L. Individualism and big business. - New York: McGraw-Hill, 1963.- 200.

  31. Sayles L. L. Leadership : managing in real organizations. - New York ; Toronto: McGraw-Hill, 1989.- 310.

  32. Sayles L. L. Leadership : what effective managers really do ... and how they do it. - New York: McGraw-Hill, 1979.- 251.

  33. Sayles L. L., Chandler A. D. Managing large systems: organizations for the future. - New York: Harper & Row, 1971.- 332.

  34. Sayles L. L., Strauss G. L. Human behavior in organizations. - Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, Co., 1966.- 500.

  35. Schermerhorn J. R., Hunt J. G., Osborn R. N. Managing Organizational Behavior. - New York: John Wiley, 1982.- 642.

  36. Schick A. A death in the Bureaucracy: the Demise of Federal PPB. // Public Admistration Review, 1973, , (March), 5-43.

  37. Schmuckler E. The Personal Audit: Management's Forgotten Tool. // Personnel Journal, 1973, 52, N 11, 977-980.

  38. Schnake M. Organizational Behavior Supplement. - Chicago: Dryden press, 1991.- 450.

  39. Scholes M. S., Wolfson M. A. Taxes and business strategy : a planning approach. - Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, Co., 1992.- 616.

  40. Schonberger R. Building a chain of customers : linking business functions to create the world class company. - New York: Free Press, 1990.- 349.

  41. Schonberger R. Operations management : productivity and quality. - Plano, Tex.: Business Publications, 1985.- 778.

  42. Schonberger R. World class manufacturing : the next decade : building power, strength, and value. - New York: Free Press, 1996.- 275.

  43. Schooley S. Conflict management. - Birmingham, Ala.: New Hope, 1994.- 54.

  44. Schriesheim C. A., Bird B. J. Contribution' of the Ohio State Studes to the Field of Leadership. // Journal of Management, 1979, 5, , 135-145.

  45. Schumpeter J. A. Business cycles; a theoretical, historical, and statistical analysis of the capitalist process. - New York, London: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1939.- 2 v.

  46. Schumpeter J. A. Capitalism, socialism, and democracy. - London: G. Allen & Unwin ltd, 1943.- 381.

  47. Schumpeter J. A. Imperialism and social classes. - New York: A.M.Kelly, 1951.- 221.

  48. Schuster J. R., Clark B. R., Rogers M. R. Testing Portions of the Porter-Lawler Model Regading the Motivation Pay. // Journal of Applied Psycholodgy, 1971, , (June), 187-195.

  49. Schwartz A. E. Delegating authority. - Hauppauge, N.Y.: Barron's, 1992.- 104.

  50. Schwartz A. E. Guided imagery for groups : fifty visualizations that promote relaxation, problem-solving, creativity, and well-being. - Duluth, Minn.: Whole Person Associates, 1995.- 240.

  51. Schwartz A. E. Performance management. - Hauppauge, NY: Barron's Educational Series, 1999.- 129.

  52. Schwartz A. E. The Why, What, And to Whom of Delegation. // Management Solutions, 1987, , (June), 31-38.

  53. Schwartz P. The Art of the Long View : Planning for the Future in an Uncertain World. - : Doubleday, 1996.

  54. Schwartz P. The Art of the Long View. - New York: Doubleday Currency, 1991.

  55. Scigliano J. A. A Systems Approach to the Design and Operation of Effective Marketing Programs. In Marketing the Program, edited by William A. Keim and Marybelle C. Keim. // New Directions for Community Colleges, 1981, 36, , .

  56. Scigliano J. A. Strengthening Hope and Purpose in Community College Futures through Strategic Marketing Planning. // Community Services Catalyst, 1981, 11, (Winter), 16-21.

  57. Scully J., Fawcett S. E. Comparative Logistics and Production Costs for Global Manufacturing Strategy. // International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 1993, 13, N 12, 62-78.

  58. Seashore S. E. Group Cohesiveness in the Industrial Work Group. - New York: Arno Press, 1977.- 107.

  59. Seierstad A., Sydsaeter K. Optimal control theory with economic applications. - Amsterdam ; New York: Elsevier Science Pub. Co, 1987.- 445.

  60. Selye H. Stress of Life. - New York: McGraw-Hill, 1956.- 324.

  61. Selznick P. Leadership in administration; a sociological interpretation. - Evanston, Ill.: Row, Peterson, 1957.- 162.

  62. Selznick P. TVA and the grass roots; a study in the sociology of formal organization. - Berkeley: University of California Press, 1949.- 274.

  63. Senge P. M. The Leader's New Work: Building Learning Organizations. // Sloan Management Review, 1990, 32, N 1, (Fall), 12-13.

  64. Senge P. M., et al . M. The dance of change : the challenges of sustaining momentum in learning organizations. - New York: Currency, 1999.- 596.

  65. Senge P. M., et al . M. The Fifth discipline fieldbook : strategies and tools for building a learning organization. - New York: Currency, 1994.- 593.

  66. Sergiovanni T. J., Corbally J. E. Leadership and organizational culture : new perspectives on administrative theory and practice. - Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1984.- 339.

  67. Sethi S. P., Thompson G. L. Optimal control theory : applications to management science. - Boston: M. Nijhoff Pub., 1981.- 481.

  68. Sethi S. P., Zhang Q. P. Hierarchical decision making in stochastic manufacturing systems. - Boston: BirkhДuser, 1994.- 419.

  69. Sethi V., King W. R. Organizational transformation through business process reengineering : applying the lessons learnРед. - Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1998.- 575.

  70. Shafritz J. M., Ott S. J. Classics of organization theory. - Belmont: Wadsworth Pub. Co, 1996.- 617.

  71. Shamir B., House R. J., Arthur M. B. The motivational effects of charismatic leadership: A self-concept based theory. // Organization Science, 1993, 4, N 4, 577-594.

  72. Shapiro A. C. Multinational financial management. 2 Ред. /Ред. De Bono E. C. - Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1986.- 672.

  73. Shapley L. S., Shubik M. S. On market games. - Santa Monica, Calif.: Rand, 1968.- 33.

  74. Sharp J. K. Zachman Framework. // The Journal of Conceptual Modeling, 1999, N 7, (Febrary), 55-60. : URL

  75. Sharpe W. F. Simplified Model for Portfolio Analysis. // Management Science, 1963, , (January), .

  76. Shashkin M., Burke W. W. Organization Development in 1980s. // General Management, 1987, 13, , 393-417.

  77. Shaw M. E. Group dynamics : the psychology of small group behavior. - New York: McGraw-Hill, 1976.- 464.

  78. Shaw M. E., Wright J. M. Scales for the measurement of attitudes. - New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967.- 604.

  79. Sheehan B. Institutional Planning. In Higher Education Planning: A Bibliographic Handbook, edited by Kent Halstead. - Washington, D.C: National Institute of Education., 1981.

  80. Shipper F., Manz C. C. An Alternative Road to Empowerment. // Organizational Dinamics, 1992, 20, (Winter), 48-61.

  81. Shirley R. Identifying the Levels of Strategy for a College or University. // Long Range Planning, 1983, 16, N 3, 92-98.

  82. Shirley R. Strategic Decision Making in Colleges and Universities. // Paper presented at the annual forum of the Association for Institutional Research, May 21-25, Houston, 1978, ED161395, , 17 pp.

  83. Short J. F., Clarke L. F. Organizations, uncertainties, and risk. - Boulder: Westview Press, 1992.- 381.

  84. Shtub A. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) : the dynamics of operations management. - Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999.- 146.

  85. Shuart L. H., Ruhlman M. E. Planning for retirement in the 21st century : a new approach. - Topeka, KS: Lone Tree Pub. Co, 1991.- 134.

  86. Shubik M. A theory of money, prices and the rate of interest. - Santa Monica, Calif.: Rand, 1971.- 3 v..

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